Saturday, December 6, 2008


During Thanksgiving Break we went to the football game. It was a nice night and we watched the Broncos complete an undefeated season.

Haley and Angelie came and Peter made it too!

Tyler is the best ball boy ever, and my gramps and dad are the best fans.


Mary Ann said...

Hobs you're funny...first let me say you all look good in orange and blue! Cary's been home since July (but he comes home from college in a week)...And yes we better be roadtrippin it here soon (especially since I don't work until Jan 12th...i would LLLOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEE IT!

Krista & Tyler said...

Hobson. You are in tonz of trouble! I had to stalk your blog from Maggie! Rude! haha How in the world are you? And what in blazes is your number these days?! I need to call and catch up with you~and I love you, dangit!